Why ordering sanitary pads online is the need of the hour…

There are no right ways of going about your period-care journey – everybody is different, and what works for you may not work for everyone. That being said, with the rise in awareness around menstrual care products and even the variety available today, there is a growth in the way people have started to approach this topic in the most conscious way possible – not just for their bodies but also for their purchasing habits, the growing negative impact of menstrual waste on our planet, etc.

When the pandemic hit the world, there was an overnight shift in the patterns of consumerism – every major brand was finding its footing with the online model of communication, and online shopping became one of the foremost ways of purchasing things. From home appliances to finding places to live, everything became available at our fingertips, so it’s only natural that the period-care industry followed suit.

Ordering sanitary pads online may seem like a daunting task at first – you may be used to or familiar with a brand that does not sell its products online and will be in a position to choose something new for a very personal and important part of your everyday life. Organic, plastic-free, cloth pads, tampons, menstrual cups, day pads, night pads, pantyliners – the options are endless and intimidating, to say the least.

We are here to make this task easier for you! Here are some things you should keep in mind when ordering your period-care products online –

    • Start by finding something similar to what you are currently using/ have used in the past; when you understand what you need, it will be easier to narrow down your search.
    • Do your research with new technologies; most of us tend to stick with the same brand and the same products sheerly because of familiarity and have most probably never changed pads over the many years of menstruating.
  • You shouldn’t have to choose between security and comfort; with the wide market options, there are many pads that offer safety and comfort for the price of one. Go with your gut and choose what suits you best.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment; if you feel like now is the time to try something new, do not be afraid to explore your options.

Some things you should keep in mind while choosing the right pad for you are basic, like comfort, absorbency, no. of pads per pack, etc. But with the options we have today, you can be pickier – you have options for fragrance and toxin-free pads, pads that come with disposal bags that are biodegradable, pads that do not contain any plastic and are therefore easier on our environment, pads that let you sponsor period-care products for the underprivileged, etc. The whole idea of conscious menstruation is in play, and it is important to be aware of your options when making an informed decision.

With LAIQA, you can experience the easiest period ever! Not only are our pads and liners made of high-quality natural fibres, but also come with individual disposal bags and 100% biodegradable packaging. Our pads are also chemical and fragrance-free, so you can have the most comfortable, rash-free period of your life! Choose LAIQA, and welcome a period of change into your life.

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