Interesting facts on Menstruation. Check out how many you already know.

Information about periods is tough to come by, and periods always is surrounded by myths and mystery. Menstrual education is crucial, and all women are entitled to know more about the period. Unfortunately, we still find it difficult to talk about the period.  Here are some interesting facts about the period. You may smell a […]

Pregnancy fears: When to worry and when not to?

It is pretty natural to feel excited and stressed during pregnancy. Some fear is genuine, and few can be baseless.   The body undergoes a roller-coaster of emotions, never the same. One moment you may feel utmost joy; the next, terror. However prepared we think we are when we see our body change, and we […]

What happens to your body when you “go commando” or stop wearing your underwear?

  For most of us, wearing underwear is a daily ritual, just like wearing dresses, and it isn’t easy to imagine life without wearing one.   Women prefer wearing comfortable, sexy, and colourful underwear, from shorts to thongs. Why do we wear underwear? Is it societal norms, or are we conditioned to wear them? Nowadays, women […]